Our firm is committed to forming down to earth relationships with our clients. Having specialised knowledge within the firm allows us to work with clients directly to problem solve where required and simplify the process. SMSF compliance is often seen as a complex area that is not well understood. Our approach is transparent we work with you, problem solve, inform you and provide you with up to date knowledge. Security wise we have the latest cloud based technology and secure Australian based upload portal, giving you peace of mind.
About the Directors
Heath Griffiths is the SMSF compliance specialist. He previously worked as an SMSF Compliance Officer within the ATO and was involved in the production of the legal templates for SMSF Compliance. He has worked within one of the largest independent SMSF Audit Firms in Australia and is the former chairman of the SMSF Association (Formerly SPAA) chapter in Townsville. Heath was also named by the Financial Standard as one of the top 50 most influential social media users in Finance in 2014. Heath has also had his work published in the SMSF Advisor and been a speaker on SMSF Compliance.
Melanie Leyk is the Business Administration Manager. She is also involved in the SMSF Audit and workflow function as an intermediate SMSF Auditor. She holds a BAppSci, Dip Acc and and has a background in small business.
Follow us on Twitter:
Heath Tweets by @HeathCGriffiths
Melanie Tweets by @melquaysmsf
Quay SMSF Audits Tweets by @quaysmsf